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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement n° 813884.

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Scalable Development of Low-Code artefacts

Thursday, 10th December 2020


Times are in CEST, Madrid time zone.

9:30 - 9:40 Welcome
Juan de Lara, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
9:40 - 10:20 Text-first DSLs in the Cloud
Jan Köhnlein, TypeFox and Gitpod
[Slides] [Video]
10:20 - 11:00 Web-based modeling tools with EMF.cloud
Philipe Langer and Martin Fleck, Eclipsesource
11:00 - 11:20
Break / Informal discussions
11:20 - 12:00 Cloud modeling and Model Scalability with GenMyModel
Blazho Nastov and Matthieu Allon, Axellience
12:00 - 12:40 Enterprise level MDE and Semantic Engineering. A case study
Pablo Díez, UGROUND
12:40 - 13:00 Discussion
13:00 - 14:30
Lunch break
14:30 - 15:10 Design of Scalable Domain-specific modelling languages
Antonio Garmendia, JKU Linz
[Slides] [Video]
15:10 - 15:50 Scalable Model Views over Heterogeneous Modeling Technologies and Resources
Hugo Bruneliere, IMT Atlantique & CNRS
[Slides] [Video]
15:50 - 16:30 Collaborative modeling with AToMPM
Eugene Syriani, University of Montreal
16:30 - 17:00 Discussion and wrap up

Text-first DSLs in the Cloud

Abstract: In this talk, you will learn how to create your own textual domain-specific languages with high-end IDE support and additional graphical views. We will use a lot of open-source technologies from the Eclipse ecosystem, such as Xtext, Sprotty, and Theia. The resulting extension can be installed in VS Code and in cloud-based development environments like Theia, Gitpod, or Che.


Slides: Here

Web-based modeling tools with EMF.cloud

Abstract: Do you want to build a domain-specific tool for the cloud, Eclipse Theia, or VSCode? Does your solution contain features such as graphical editors, form-based editors, tree views, model analysis or even code generation? Are you wondering how all the nice features and frameworks provided by EMF and its ecosystem can be used in a web-based tool? Eclipse is arguably the most comprehensive open-source ecosystem for technologies and frameworks for building domain-specific tools and IDEs. Core frameworks within Eclipse and the EMF ecosystem have become industry standards, a huge variety of solutions efficiently solve use cases such as form-based views, graphical editors, model analysis or code generation. In this talk, we will provide you with an overview of the available Eclipse technology and of the Eclipse EMF.cloud project. The goal of EMF.cloud is to make available the benefits of the existing ecosystem for building domain-specific tools in cloud-based applications. EMF.cloud does not intend to reinvent the wheel, it rather provides missing pieces, adapters and alternative web-based UI implementations for existing solutions. This enables a great deal of reuse of existing industry-hardened components, but even more importantly, it does not force you to reimplement your domain-specific tools from scratch when migrating from the desktop to the cloud, to Eclipse Theia, or VSCode.


EMF.Cloud website: https://www.eclipse.org/emfcloud/

Cloud modeling and Model Scalability with GenMyModel

Abstract: Axellience is the software editor of the first fully web-based, high-performance, and user-friendly modeling platform: GenMyModel. With more than 890,000 registered users in more than 180 countries including major international players worldwide and especially in North America, GenMyModel is currently one of the best known and used on-the-cloud modeling platforms. The main features of GenMyModel are an online design of standard-compliant models, real-time “google-doc like” collaborative modeling, model versioning, model traceability, code generation, and scalability for the management of very large models. GenMyModel is used to cover different aspects of a system based on standards such as UML for software modeling, BPMN for business process modeling, Archimate for business modeling, and others. Furthermore, GenMyModel enables model co-creation, as users can simultaneously connect to shared models and collaborate on their design in real-time. Code generation can be done starting from scratch or by using pre-built templates: UML2Java, UML2C++, UML2Python, UML2SQL, and others. The platform allows model versioning and full traceability of all changes on a model. Finally, GenMyModel provides mechanisms for the design and management of very large models.


Enterprise level MDE and Semantic Engineering. A case study.

Abstract: We will take a look at the different levels of Model Driven Development and Model Driven Design to see what are the enterprise level standards and what level of flexibility any development tool should have to enter the market. We will also see how to interact with a highly diversified environment that forces all of us to evolve developed software almost every day, and how modeling tools allow us to achieve the expectations. All of it will be presented with real client examples and production environment scenarios and KPIs


Design of Scalable Domain-specific modelling languages

Abstract: The use of large models is increasingly common in Model-Driven Engineering, thus, modelling tools that provide scalability are necessary to handle complex systems. Such models are described using Domain Specific Modelling Languages (DSMLs). While the definition of DSMLs and their supporting environments are recurring activities in MDE, they are mostly developed ad-hoc from scratch. Our approach to this issue is based on patterns thar provide functionality to automatically generate environments that can be adapted to different scenarios. To enhance scalability, we have implemented a modularity pattern, in which models are not longer monolithic, but are divided into fragments. In order to generate graphical editors, it is proposed the use of heuristics to automate the generation of graphical modelling environment for them. Overall, we propose two Eclipse plug-in called EMF-Splitter and EMF-Stencil. The former, permits to define modularization mechanisms and the latter, provides heuristics to simplify the definition of DSMLs. From these definitions, it can be automatically synthesizes graphical scalable Sirius-based environment.


Slides: Here

Scalable Model Views over Heterogeneous Modeling Technologies and Resources

Abstract: When engineering complex systems, models are used to represent various systems aspects. Such models are often heterogeneous in terms of modeling languages, provenance, number or scale. To be useful in practice, these models need to be properly integrated to provide global views over the system. Model view approaches have been proposed to tackle this issue. They provide unification mechanisms to combine and query various different models in a transparent way. However, existing model view solutions are often designed to work on top of one single modeling technology (even though model import/export capabilities are sometimes provided). Moreover, they mostly rely on in-memory constructs and low-level modeling APIs that have not been designed to scale up for large models stored in different kinds of data sources. In this talk, I will present a general solution to efficiently support scalable model views over heterogeneous modeling resources possibly handled via different modeling technologies. I will describe our integration approach between a model view framework (EMF Views) and various modeling technologies (EMF, Epsilon) providing access to multiple types of modeling resources (using standard XML/XMI, CSV, CDO, NeoEMF). I will also explain how queries on model views can be executed efficiently by benefiting from optimizations of the different model technologies and underlying persistence backends. Finally, I will show the evaluation of the corresponding tooling support on a practical large-scale use case coming from the MegaM@Rt2 European project and aiming at realizing a runtime ↔ design time feedback loop.


Slides: Here

Collaborative modeling with AToMPM

Abstract: The development of complex software-intensive systems requires stakeholders from diverse domains to work in a coordinated manner on different aspects of the system. Model-driven engineering (MDE) helps in reducing the gap between heterogeneous domains using principles of separation of concerns, automatic generation and domain-specific languages (DSL). Therefore, MDE is a potential solution to help develop systems collaboratively. In MDE, stakeholders work on models in order to design, transform, simulate, and analyze systems. Therefore, there is a need for collaborative platforms to allow modelers to work together. In this talk, I first present a set of necessary requirements that must be addressed in a framework that enables collaborative modeling. I will focus more specifically on multi-view modeling which lets users work on different aspects of the system concurrently. In the second part of this talk, I present how the cloud-based multi-user modeling tool AToMPM addresses some of the challenges for building a collaborative platform for modeling. I review what implementation decisions were needed to satisfy the above-mentioned requirements.


AToMPM website: https://atompm.github.io/

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