Scalable Management of Low-Code Artefacts
Wednesday, 14th April 2021
Times are in CEST.
9:00 - 9:05 | Introduction Davide Di Ruscio, University of L'Aquila [Video] |
9:05 - 09:45 |
CDO - Repositories for Scalable Models Eike Stepper |
9:45 - 10:30 |
MDEForge: A model-as-a-service framework for multi-perspective mining of collaborative modelling repositories Juri Di Rocco |
10:30 - 10:40 Break |
10:40 - 11:20 | Scalable model queries with Hawk Antonio Garcia-Dominguez |
11:20 - 12:00 | Managing scalability with Modelio Alessandra Bagnato |
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch break |
13:30 - 14:10 |
Reactive model processing using VIATRA (and the IncQuery Model Analysis suite) Ákos Horváth |
14:10 - 14:50 |
Managing model-to-model transformations at scale with YAMTL Artur Boronat |
14:50 - 15:05 Break |
15:05 - 15:45 |
Extending Declarative ATL with Incrementality and Constraints Frédéric Jouault |
15:45 - 16:25 |
How OpenMBEE Enables the Adoption of a Model-Based Digital Ecosystem at Boeing and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Myra Lattimore and Lucas Aviles |
16:20 - 17:00 | Discussion and wrap up |
CDO - Repositories for Scalable Models
Abstract: Eclipse CDO is an open source technology that provides you with scalable model repositories. Building upon the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) it transparently enables you to store, lock, and access your models at the granule of single objects. Modifications are committed from your applications to the repository server where they are properly versioned, stored in a database, and possibly propagated to other applications, which then update instantaneously. Lazy loading of single objects on demand is supported, as well as automatic memory management. In this talk I will demonstrate many of CDO’s core functions by using the CDO Explorer, a generic user interface that integrates seamlessly with Eclipse. I will also explain how EMF alone can become a barrier to working with big models and how CDO helps you to overcome this barrier. I will close with a brief listing of the typical challenges when your models grow large and what CDO offers you to help master them.
- Eike Stepper is an independent consultant around the topics modeling and OSGi. He runs his own small consulting company since 1991 and is the project lead of Eclipse CDO since 2003. He has won the Top Committer Eclipse Community Award 2010 and is, since 2012, a member of the Eclipse Architecture Council. He’s also the project lead of Eclipse Oomph, which provides the Eclipse Installer.
MDEForge: A model-as-a-service framework for multi-perspective mining of collaborative modelling repositories
Abstract: Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is increasingly used across industries to abstract designs and viewpoints. Even though current modeling tools provide features that can simplify and automate many model-based development steps, obstacles to the broader adoption of MDE technologies still exist. Similar to what happens with source code development supported by version control systems, to deal with software systems’ growing complexity, it’s necessary to enforce consistent reuse and leverage the interconnection of the modeling artifacts produced and consumed during the different development phases. Besides, the availability of modeling artifacts is crucial for applying techniques like Machine Learning and Data Analytics to MDE. In this talk, first, I’ll discuss the opportunities that the availability of advanced model repositories provides. In the second part, I’ll present MDEForge: an extensible Web-based modeling platform specifically conceived to foster a community-based modeling repository, underpinning the development, analysis, and reuse of modeling artifacts.
- Juri Di Rocco is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Information Engineering Computer Science and Mathematics of the University of L’Aquila. He is interested in all aspects of software language engineering. His main research interests are related to several aspects of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), including domain-specific modeling languages, model transformation, model differencing, modeling repositories, and mining software repositories and communities. Lately, he has been involved in developing recommender systems in Software Engineering by mining open-source code repository information.
Scalable model queries with Hawk
Abstract: In industrial modelling contexts, models may grow to have millions of interlinked elements. Using single files to store these large models is no longer practical: instead, tool developers have moved to approaches such as model fragmentation or database-backed persistency. Mature version control systems like Git can be reused to track the evolution of models that have been fragmented across many files, but it complicates querying as it may still require downloading and loading the entire memory at once. This talk will present Eclipse Hawk, a framework for providing scalable model querying. Hawk can index fragmented models into NoSQL stores, pre-computing subqueries in an incremental manner if desired, and can answer queries efficiently over its web service API. Hawk has been extended with the capability to query the history of a model, travelling back and forth in time during a single query.
- Dr. Antonio Garcia-Dominguez is a Lecturer in Computer Science at Aston University (United Kingdom). His main research interests are software testing and model-driven engineering: in both of these fields, the increase in system sizes has required the adoption of AI-based approaches and non-relational database technologies to scale up. This combination motivated an Innovate UK Knowledge Transfer Partnership with FoldingSpace on the use of these technologies to extract value from large unstructured repositories. In addition to over 10 papers in peer-reviewed journals and over 40 papers in conferences and workshops, Antonio is a core contributor in several related open source projects. Some of these projects include the Eclipse Epsilon model management languages and tools, the MuBPEL mutation testing framework for WS-BPEL, or the Eclipse Hawk model indexing framework (originally developed within the MONDO EU project). Antonio is a founding member of the EPSRC-funded MDENet expert network for Model-Driven Engineering.
Managing scalability with Modelio
Abstract: The current designs and management technologies are being stressed to their limits in terms of collaborative development, efficient management and persistence of large and complex models. Scalability has different dimensions: domains, team localizations, number of engineers, size and management of the engineering artefacts, interoperability and complexity of languages used. This presentation depicts how this challenge is tackled with the Modelio modeling tool solution.
- Dr. Alessandra Bagnato is a research scientist and the Head of Modelio Research in Softeam Software (Docaposte Group). She holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from TELECOM SudParis and Université Evry Val d’Essonne, France and a MSc in Computer Science from the University of Genoa, Italy. At Softeam since 2012, she leads the Softeam Software Modelio research team activities around innovative model-driven engineering methods in Modelio workbench in the area of Cyber-Physical Systems, Cloud and Big Data (as in H2020 MORPHEMIC, H2020 Databio, H2020 CPSwarm, H2020 QRapids, H2020 CROSSMINER), GDPR and Privacy (H2020 PoSeID-on, ANR UPCARE), on Artificial intelligence(#AI for Digital automation - AIDA PSPC National, ECSEL AIDOaRT), and on measuring software engineering (ITEA 3 MEASURE).
Reactive model processing using VIATRA (and the IncQuery Model Analysis suite)
Abstract: Reactive programming provides abstractions to express event-driven applications in which data and computation dependencies are managed automatically. These applications react to events emitted by external event sources without an explicit notion of time or prior knowledge of the sequence of events.
In this talk, we present a reactive, event-driven model transformation platform based on the reactive programming paradigm that provides a unified framework based on (batch and live) queries and transformations to drive the systematic and well-founded integration of tool features in various scenarios over graph models. We will present the concept of the Event-Driven Virtual machine as realized within the open-source Viatra framework and demonstrates how reactive model transformation can easily be developed. Finally, a scaled up version of the approach based on the cloud-enabled IncQuery Model Analysis suite will also be introduced.
- Dr. Ákos Horváth is the COO/CTO of IncQuery Labs. He holds a PhD in Software Engineering, with a strong background in the application of model-driven technologies for the design and optimization of safety-critical systems. Since 2006, he has been involved in several EU research projects such as SENSORIA, DIANA, CONCERTO, OpenCPS and Arrowhead Tools; and participated in several large-scale industrial co-operations with companies from the avionics, automotive and industrial automation sectors. He has co-authored more than 60 peer-reviewed papers and received the prestigious 10 Year Most Influential Paper Award at the 2020 Models conference.
Managing model-to-model transformations at scale with YAMTL
Abstract: Model-to-model transformations play a useful role in low-code software development, including the specification and development of model compilers, consistency maintainers and software (co-)evolution. YAMTL is an EMF-based model-to-model transformation engine whose transformations are defined with an internal DSL of Xtend. The main strenghts of the language are its interoperability with Java, its expressiveness and its performance. In this talk, I will present the YAMTL language with use cases that showcase some of its features from a scalability perspective.
- Artur Boronat is a lecturer at the School of Informatics of the University of Leicester (UK). He obtained his BSc degree in Computer Science in 2002 (Ingeniero en Informática), with an award from Bancaixa/Bancaja for the final year project on data migration. He wrote his Master thesis (DEA) in 2004 and obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science in 2007 (Doctor Cum Laude) from the Technical University of València (UPV). He has been a visiting researcher at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC, USA) and at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC, Spain). In 2007, he joined the University of Leicester (UK) as lecturer. Since 2018, he is Director of Undergraduate Programmes (Computer Science and Software Engineering). His research interests revolve around: agile software development for the cloud using JVM technology and applications in healthcare and industry 4.0; design and implementation of DSLs using model-driven software development and type theory; application of AI technology and formal methods in the intersection of the areas above. Artur has secured funding from Innovate UK for developing manufacturing software infrastructure in the food industry (2018-2019). He is the technical lead of the Informatics team in the ESA-funded project P-STEP (2021-2023). He is a founding member of the EPSRC-funded MDENet: the expert network for Model-Driven Engineering.
Extending Declarative ATL with Incrementality and Constraints
Abstract: Model-driven engineering techniques are now available to perform a wide variety of tasks. Moreover, when other techniques are necessary, it is often possible to translate problems to technical spaces in which they are available. Some modeling problems can thus be translated into constraint satisfaction or optimization problems in order to leverage constraint solvers. However, such translations are not always trivial, and typically require writing specific code to handle non-model artifacts. This talk presents our work on extending model transformation with support for incrementality and constraint solving. This makes it possible to declaratively constrain models, or generate constrained models. After each modification to such models, a constraint solver can fix all constraint violations if necessary. We applied this approach to ATL, starting with developing a compiler that generates scalable incremental transformation code using active operations. Then we added the possibility to specify constraints on ATL rules, which can be used to define interactively explorable model sets.
Bio: Frédéric Jouault is associate professor at ESEO, France. He received his PhD from the University of Nantes before doing a postdoc at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. His research interests involve model engineering, transformation, synchronization, and execution, as well as their application to Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs) and model-based reverse engineering. Frédéric created ATL, a DSL for model-to-model transformation.
Théo Le Calvar received his PhD in Computer Sciences from the University of Angers in France in 2019. He is currently working as a postdoc in the ERIS team at ESEO in Angers, France and in the GEODES team at Université de Montréal in Canada. His current research interests include incremental model transformation, constraint solving and modeling on the web.
How OpenMBEE Enables the Adoption of a Model-Based Digital Ecosystem at Boeing and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Abstract: The Open Model Based Engineering Environment (OpenMBEE) platform has become a key driver for the adoption of a model-based digital ecosystem across different organizations by connecting engineering information across various sources. OpenMBEE is an integrated set of open-source software tools which replaces traditional silos of information with consistent, traceable, and precise engineering models and documents. This talk provides an overview of the vision, motivation, and available infrastructure of OpenMBEE and its applicability to enterprise-level projects at JPL and Boeing. Lucas will share insights on how Boeing has successfully deployed OpenMBEE across its global enterprise, including a robust infrastructure as well as process and training support. Myra will discuss how OpenMBEE has been successfully integrated into JPL’s digital engineering environment which enables engineers to practice a variety of model-based techniques for systems engineering.
- Myra Lattimore is a Software Systems Engineer at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). As a member of the Software and Systems Solutions Engineering group, she supports the delivery of an integrated model-based engineering environment for engineers at JPL and has worked on projects including Mars 2020, Mars Sample Return, Europa Lander, and Psyche. Myra is an active member of the OpenMBEE community and has contributed to the OpenSE Cookbook while promoting OpenMBEE with other NASA groups. Myra holds a masters degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
- Lucas Aviles is a member of Boeing’s MBSE Development Team, which develops tools and processes for the enterprise-wide adoption of Model-Based Systems Engineering. He joined Boeing in 2018 after graduating with a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he learned SysML as an undergraduate researcher in GT’s Aerospace Systems Design Lab.